Lean Layout Masterclass : How to Maximise the Productivity of Your Facility

Are you planning to move to a new facility or looking to streamline your current operations?

Do you want to really transform the efficiency of how your processes run?

Are you frustrated with the bottlenecks and "work arounds" that exist in your facility and want to apply a best practice, optimised approach?

Lots of businesses grow organically over time, adding products and processes to their existing facility. Growth is great, however adhoc changes, all "bolted" together, can causes issues. Double and triple handling of materials, people spending 20% of their day walking, lack of workplace organisation, clutter and confusion... these are just some of the issues caused by a poor process and a poor physical layout.

But probably most importantly, a poor layout hampers a business' ability to grow. Adding growth to a poorly designed process, is a recipe for reduced profits.

Optimising the end to end flow of materials, people and the value adding process steps themselves is one of the best changes a business can make to boost the productivity and profits of an operation.

If you're interested in learning how the world's best organisations design and implement optimised operations and lean physical layouts then...

Join us for this Live webinar event on Friday October 20th at 9:30am