Lean Leadership

Are you satisfied with how well Lean thinking and practices have been adopted by your organisation?

Do all levels of your organisation understand what Lean and operational excellence means for them?

Are you seeing your teams consistently apply operational excellence methods, steadily improving they way they work?

Many businesses have started a “Lean journey”, made some quick gains, only to see the gains fade away in a short period of time. The program starts with high expectations, gets a lot of attention but then stagnates.

The success of any significant change within an organisation hinges on the effectiveness of leadership and the operating environment. Organisations with genuinely world class operations, and a genuine culture of continuous improvement, don’t run Lean as a “program”.

Steady, sustained success comes from the role that Leaders play on a daily basis.

If you’re interested in learning how the world best organisations lead and sustain Lean, then…

Join us for this LIVE webinar event.
Thursday Apr 3rd, 9:30 – 11:00am AEDT

    Organisations that develop effective Lean Leaders…
    • Sustain improvement results over the long term and build upon them
    • Work better at all levels and in all parts of the business
    • Ultimately are more “fit for change” and out perform their competitors
    • Are regularly able to transform their ways of working to respond to the market
    • Foster a process improvement and problem solving culture

    Getting leadership right is fundamental to the success of your Lean or Operational Excellence journey.

    In this session we will be covering…
    • What is Lean & Lean Leadership?
    • Where should we start?
    • What are the 3 Major Approaches to take and their Strengths & Weaknesses?
    • Deep dive of 2 real world case studies
    • How Effective Lean Leaders Work
    • Common causes for “programs” to fail and the solutions

    As always we allow ample time for Q&A so you can ask the tough questions specific to your scenario and get unbiased advice.

    So if you are finding that…
    • Your team needs clarity on where to start
    • Your transformation program is slowly fizzling out
    • You’re thinking “How can I lead Lean better?”
    • Your not 100% sure about the structure and design of your Lean transformation

    … then you’ll get a lot of value from this session.

    Register now to join us and learn some of the answers to these common issues!

    Masterclass Presenter Damien Lacey

    Lean Leadership is perhaps the most critical success factor for organisations that achieve sustained results with Lean.

    Learn the right way to plan your journey in this workshop. The session will be interactive and bedded in real life examples.

    Damien has spent 15+ years in Australia and with Toyota Japan helping teams deliver "step-change" improvements in Productivity & Culture.

    As the founder of OE Partners, Damien has assisted many organisations in designing and driving customer centric Lean Transformation Programs.

    Testimonials from other event attendees

    Brendan Pope
    Head of Innovation & Design
    Fleetwood Building Solutions

    It was a great opportunity to participate in a group workshop with people from different industries, but who face similar challenges. I found the discussion about how, viewing problems as opportunities can unlock better solutions, interesting.

    It’s great to know support is out there and that many issues faced are universal. Take advantage of what has been learnt before. I’d recommend attending these sessions!

    Nigel B
    Optimisation Manager

     I really enjoyed the presentation. The topics were explained effectively using real examples, slides and interaction with attendees.

    The session broadened my view, I would recommend this session to others in manufacturing. It was easy to follow, and worthwhile in order to to sharpen your understanding and to broaden your thinking

    Lisa H
    Head of Projects and Change
    Estia Health

    I thought the session was interesting, informative and thought-provoking. I came away with ideas that I intend to put into practice within my workplace.

    The presenter’s real world experience brings the principles and practices to life in ways that are relatable and useful. Well worth the time to attend